We repair for you ...
Inverter defective? We will help you!
We are here for you! Phone: +49 (0) 5382 - 955 979 - 0 Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Here you can create an order form for sending your defective inverter in for repair. Alternatively, you can download a PDF file under "Downloads".
Es gelten unsere allgemeinen Geschäfts- und Zahlungsbedingungen Es gelten unsere Datenschutzrichtlinien (DSGVO ab 25.05.2018) unter www.aeet24.com
Please do not send any additional material for the tested device such as Wall brackets or connectors. Should these materials are also sent, no guarantee can be given that you will receive it again. The same goes for that of them too used packaging material such as Original boxes or lashing straps. If you don't have anything to pack because of this, we can help you like to send professional packaging material. If there is no response within 60 days, the device will be disposed of for a fee. There will be no return of the removed parts, they will be disposed of directly during the inspection / repair. On-site pickups are not possible, the devices are only sent / returned. There is no listing of the individual components / work when carrying out repairs or other work.
Ort, Datum Unterschrift